Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beauty and Boost

Japan's economical growth and the sense of "aesthetics" are not usually discussed
at the same table, nor its relation merely been pointed out. Yet, in a country where
more than 70% of people consider themselves as "non-religious", the only ethical 
guideline that I could possible refer to, is their aesthetic principles of which I assume 
they have characterized the major attributes of Japanese people. 

It has been almost 6 month since the terrible earthquake in northern part of Japan shook us.
What most stroked the people was
that a great degree of morality being performed under extreme harsh condition ; 
people lining up for hours to get their supplies, 
no fighting or robbery, 
energy conservation, 
volunteers and some of heroic works by government officials and industry professionals.
Yes, there might have been mistakes and errors. 
But, who could have done it better and that means what? 
The important thing is "not to forget". 
And that has been successful so far.  

We could argue that we have lost enormous amount of money.
But we have rediscovered some of fundamental attributes which we Japanese can 
definitely be proud of; what we can call "aesthetics" of a country. 
That is what drives us the most, today.

Can we see the aesthetics inhabited almost every part of society, well, except  
for the political system...

We'll see another Prime Minister to take the position in few weeks. 
Personally, I feel like an abandoned child being introduced to another foster father...
Got to live tight these days...