Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Seven Tips for Effective Self-Branding

This is a takeaway from @sakanoue san.
I just found it very useful 
so I thought it might be a good idea to share this.

Many of us, I suppose, want to look "good" in public and private.
No one wants a bad circumstance and "self-branding" is a way to 
lead a better life. 
However, not all of us
have much time to go through hundred pages of 
Kotler's marketing management.
So, here are seven tips and hope it helps!

Tip 1. 
See yourself with Bird-Eye. 
-You need to see yourself with bird-eye.
You need to recognize yourself objectively. 
Observe. Analyze. and 
Realize what you are trying to do.
- It is very important that you know which mountain to climb
before you start. But, many of us are so unfortunate for not-knowing what it exactly is that we want. 
Don't try to be perfect from the first time. 
-Although you think you know what you like,seek for the deepest source of your passion.
If you like video game, analyze what kind of video game you like, and what particularly your like about the types of video games you like. It gets more authentic as you go deeper.  

Tip 2.
Make sure you know who you are and why you are here.
-It is not about GPS. It is not about the job title or any kind of things that your write in a piece of paper (even though you need to put it down on a paper for resume). 
- Knowing who you are and why you are here is such an important thing. I stated that it is not about the job title or geographical location as such, but remember they are all attributes of who you are to describe where you are at, and perhaps where you are going.

Tip 3. 
Say it aloud. Who you are. To the most important people. 
- The science has not revealed that communication without words. Also, people (especially the ones are most important) do not pay attention to you (or they do, but not as much you want them to be).  So, say it. Say it so you can make it happen. 

Tip 4. 
When is your last time you thought,
"I lost track of time doing..."
- Doing what makes you crush?

Tip 5. 
Friends are the mirror. Many mirrors will help. 
- Friends are like mirror to yourself. 
Your friends are likely to be similar to you. 
So be conscious about your friends, because they reflect you.
Also be active to meet new people. Don't settle. 

Tip 6. 
Stay Positive.
- You can only do it when you think you can. 
(In other words, you will never make it as long as you don't think you can). 

Tip 7. 
Stay True. 
- True brand resides in true self. So don't lie. Stay True.

Brand is something you can recognize within seconds.
Brand is something you can clearly identify among others.

Meet your potential by effective self-branding.