Aleph = the first alphabet of the work "elohim" - the god.
- echoed, divine unity
- Infinite
Beit = House
Gimmel = Three is the number, that unifies. Trinity.
Delet = Four aspects of reality
= Death = knowlege
Hei = Five dimention of human soul; which allows us to connect with God.
= Physical instinct, emotions
Vav = Space, mass, physical wholeness, to be complete, = six dimensions,
Beit = House
Gimmel = Three is the number, that unifies. Trinity.
Delet = Four aspects of reality
= Death = knowlege
Hei = Five dimention of human soul; which allows us to connect with God.
= Physical instinct, emotions
Vav = Space, mass, physical wholeness, to be complete, = six dimensions,
= Confession, six days of creation
Zman = Time, remember, remembrance,
Chet = Chai = Life
= Chalon = Dream
= Chochmah = Wisdom
= Chasidut = Piety
Temptation (Legends, and its relation to...)
When read Gospels, try to focus on the transition. Read between the lines.
Temptation - helping and offering to make a new realization, to experiment new self.
Because of sins, we do not see the reality clearly any more. Temptations offer to see it clearly.
3 folds; where were 3 folds in Matthews? Bread, Test, Desert.
For Hebrews, desert reminds the liberations of Egypt and stopped at the desert for 40 days.
Bread - One does not live by bread alone but by the words that come out from the mouth of God.
Jesus understands himself as a king. Not worldly king. The authority that was questioned until his last days.
Jesus proclaimed what is powerful in this reality of God.
Zman = Time, remember, remembrance,
Chet = Chai = Life
= Chalon = Dream
= Chochmah = Wisdom
= Chasidut = Piety
Temptation (Legends, and its relation to...)
When read Gospels, try to focus on the transition. Read between the lines.
Temptation - helping and offering to make a new realization, to experiment new self.
Because of sins, we do not see the reality clearly any more. Temptations offer to see it clearly.
3 folds; where were 3 folds in Matthews? Bread, Test, Desert.
For Hebrews, desert reminds the liberations of Egypt and stopped at the desert for 40 days.
Bread - One does not live by bread alone but by the words that come out from the mouth of God.
Jesus understands himself as a king. Not worldly king. The authority that was questioned until his last days.
Jesus proclaimed what is powerful in this reality of God.