Sunday, May 29, 2011

All Elementary

Finally, today, I (or the team, or more precisely my colleagues) have finished up
our 2-year project of corporate transformation project.

It wasn't easy at all. I never experienced such a long project. 
I started going to a graduate school at the middle and became extremely busy.
I finally had to give up some of my parts that I have been engaging in, to somebody else, 
in order to concentrate my studies. 

It wasn't all happy at all. You bet. 
Sorry to be so dramatic. But it is all true. 
Sometimes, life is just too hard and you are so busy dealing with stuffs that are no much of any use. 
I learned that it is all about managing oneself and other. 
You can be the best writer in the world, but you still miss the deadline or failed to communicate with 
your editor, your work will never be out in public.
I am just thinking out loud, all these stuff are just elementary.
Do your job on time, communicate with team members, maintain your health physically and mentally. 
I have been doing for a long long time since I was 1st grade (or maybe a bit later, haha).

Back to basics. 
Basics are the bests.