Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's good? - It's all good!!

October is almost over. and it is now getting colder and colder day by day here in Japan.
Hard to believe it is finally winter...Seasons know exactly when to change...

This month I was a bit complacent...I felt so tired and didn't want to do anything. 
My brain, it seemed like a computer from 1960s and can only calculate basic algebra. 
My body was dead, I felt no energy or whatsoever to motivate my athletic spirit (even I had one).
My mind, oh, it was not cool at all, nor it was not passionate at all...either way, it sucked. 

I have been doing my "open" personal review monthly and this month was so far the worst month since I started. 
Come on...I know I can do better than this!!

Even though my personal performance did not go well, I have met some good and inspiring people this month. A professor, a friend of friend, old friend haven't talked for long, etc.
It is not too bad after all I guess?