Friday, February 25, 2011

This Time is Different

As a beginner of finance, I am challenged and delightfully thrilled to turn the pages over. This book has the magic like a masterpiece of any literature in kind, that when you read every part of it, you see that each connects to the main message, everything can be "regression"-able to one statement - that is, as stated in the title. 

It is an astonishing piece. I will say that aloud over and over.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in financial assets, 
investment, economic history, financial policy,,,the coverage of this book is 
so sound  and provides rich contents in every possible way.

But what particularly, amazing about this book, is that, it CONTAINS LOT of DATA. Believe me, you will see a lot of charts and tables, which is FASCINATING for me, a practitioner of system dynamics.

I know I am not the right person to talk something about this book, but I cannot help but myself.
Come on, you will not regret it!!