Thursday, May 26, 2011

Future of Social Network

I am a very demanding person.
I love money. I love having fun. I love women. I love working.

This sounds a little egoistic, and I have to admit I am quite often seen as "arrogant" by
not a few people.

But I like people. To put it more precisely, I need people.
I cannot stand if I couldn't see my friends from tomorrow. At the bottom line,
I feel so meaningless without people. People needs people.
That is why the social network is so strong and growing all over the world.
Facebook, twitter, etc. I just can't resist visiting the "place" that is given.

Today, I wondered, what's the future of social network like.

I imagine, in future, some web contents (say, things like youtube in 2200) will pop out from screen and will talk to you. You can touch that Luis Viton bag at e-commerce site so that you can be certain for what you are getting.

I say, in future, I will be able to participate in a rock concert which physically held in New York. I will have to purchase a virtual entrance ticket which would cost about 60% of the physical entrance fee. I will buy a virtual air ticket to Barcelona and take a walk at Guel park and have a great dinner with my girlfriend.

That is all possible. But none of us are sure when.

You might think I'm dreaming.
But, who could imagine in 18th century, that we could fly to moon?
Or could we have imagine a single piece of innovative technologies that we use today. We take granted for so many things that we have accomplished.
Now it is the time that we believe, we can get there. And if you could do something, in order to change, or in order to prove -whatever you intent-,
now is always the best time to start and you will never ever be too late.