Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I found out today that the scariest thing for me in the world is not having authenticity.
I can easily get this trap of self-satisfactory happy fool person that I think I am doing it right
when I am totally wrong. I mean, desperately wrong.
For the worse, when no one is really telling me what the problem is, and I could live it up, 
and continue to be a stranger in this real world. This is really scary. 

I happen to listen to Sheryl Sandberg speech on leadership. 
Sheryl is, without a single doubt, a woman of authenticity. 
Her career track record can be more than perfect and the powerful speech 
really made me think of what the "real" person is.
She even emphasized in the speech on how important true means of communication are.
Meaningful communication, that is all we really need and want except one lives in no one land.

Until today, for past few weeks, I had been living in a sort of "empty" days.
Not enough get up and go. 
Try to motivate myself but not sure which direction I should be headed.
Now, I got this real feeling and I need to accomplish a particular, very specific thing.
It is DIE-HARD. 
But better than nothing, for me. 
Because I stop thinking in terms of "A or B". 
If I do A, I cannot do B. 
It is different now, it's "A and B".
I do A, "and" I do B. 
Isn't it much productive?
I wanna be authentic "and" productive. 

Doing many things does not mean less devotion. 
I pay 100% effort to every single one of them.

Because that is what I chose to do, and I believe authentic people would do the same. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beauty and Boost

Japan's economical growth and the sense of "aesthetics" are not usually discussed
at the same table, nor its relation merely been pointed out. Yet, in a country where
more than 70% of people consider themselves as "non-religious", the only ethical 
guideline that I could possible refer to, is their aesthetic principles of which I assume 
they have characterized the major attributes of Japanese people. 

It has been almost 6 month since the terrible earthquake in northern part of Japan shook us.
What most stroked the people was
that a great degree of morality being performed under extreme harsh condition ; 
people lining up for hours to get their supplies, 
no fighting or robbery, 
energy conservation, 
volunteers and some of heroic works by government officials and industry professionals.
Yes, there might have been mistakes and errors. 
But, who could have done it better and that means what? 
The important thing is "not to forget". 
And that has been successful so far.  

We could argue that we have lost enormous amount of money.
But we have rediscovered some of fundamental attributes which we Japanese can 
definitely be proud of; what we can call "aesthetics" of a country. 
That is what drives us the most, today.

Can we see the aesthetics inhabited almost every part of society, well, except  
for the political system...

We'll see another Prime Minister to take the position in few weeks. 
Personally, I feel like an abandoned child being introduced to another foster father...
Got to live tight these days...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Finally found a good tool that is capable of what I want.

Visualize the data in a "beautiful" way. 
Artistic way of data exploration. 
A giant step forward!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I learned briefly what Kukai had achieved back in college. 
I meant "briefly" because of the depth of genre...basically, to put it simply, 
what Kukai manifested in his teaching was that the "middle" is the optimum 
where there stood two schools of buddhism; hardcore ones, and more easy ones.
It is not hard to understand this idea itself, but it really matters is that each components
and stories behind them come together and be "synthesized" as one...
Visiting a national museum on saturday afternoon to see Kukai's world esoteric buddhism
reminded me of those vulnerable college hood, and the sequel, which is, me today.