Showing posts with label Economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economics. Show all posts

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Fault Line of Leadership

After few weeks passed from the earthquake shock,
Japan still suffers its aftershocks, which unveiled many other problems.

As a Japanese entrepreneur, Daisuke Iwase wrote in Washington Post, 
The Political Fault Lines of Japan, much of faulty-ness of Japanese society
is in the system itself. In other words, it is not up to the effort of individual 
to reform the state of nation, but it is the structure, regulations, or perhaps 
mindsets redesigned in order to achieve the sustainable profitability as a country. 

As I wrote it in the last entry, the geographical advantage of Japan cannot be greater than anywhere
else on this planet. With a close face-up to the regions that are growing in next 50 years, 
I believe that there definitely a greater deed as a nation. 

But before that, we need to get ourselves together.
Nobody is raising the hands when should, even the leader. 
I mean, look, who the hell is in charge of country and for how long?
The leader of country is someone who, at least by definition, take the "full responsibility"
of country; someone who can put together opposing ideology; someone who runs it for... at
least... more than a year. 

Somehow it reminded of a Dyaln's song
I shall call it as "It Ain't Me Syndrome". As long as people conveys the political apathy, 
we will only be witness of the Asian prosperity happening on distant shore.

Although the political leadership is a sensitive and tough thing, Japan must take an initiative
as one of few developed nations in Asia. Now is the time for Japan to take a little advantage
of being sandwiched by United States and Asian Continental Nations.
Leadership can only derived from strong assertions.

Lack of assertion can become a major fault line of Japan's leadership, and its future.
However, to make Japanese people assertive is not an easy task.
Some claims it is due to the country's morality or religiosity.
Assuming that religious people are more likely to have a better sense of morality,
surprisingly, 70% of Japanese people believe that they are "non-religious".
The way I see it is Japan is simply an ethnically homogeneous nation.
I will not explain further, but this can explain a lot.

Never before the country has faced the challenges that would take a "fundamental"
transformation. If we do not take action, we will see the same problems over and over.
And it is that our each hand, and our each step that will build the shape of our future. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lost in productivity

The earthquakes that have hit northern part of Japan destroyed so many things.
City, buildings, transportation, lives... the disaster not only affected the local area but Japan, 
as a country, is damaged in so many ways. 

After a week from the incident, the country is still in repair of nuclear electricity plant, 
where the majority of domestic energy had been generated. 
Rolling blackouts are scheduled daily. Companies like Toyota have not been able to 
operate their production facility. Needless to say, this is a huge loss for Japan. 
An economist essay wrote off that this is the world's worst economic loss from natural disaster 
since 1965. 
Together with the second Kobe earthquake, Japan faced such a deadly crisis 
in nearly 15 years. Not only did fallout from economic bubble, but to add an insult to injury,
Japan has been hit twice from the disasters. 

Lesson to be learned; 
Look first two and then the third. 
We can learn how much the insurance is important. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Keynesian and Neoclassical

Note: following contents include extremely basic stuff. So for those who are smart enough to guess what the blog is about from the title, please disgard this post and enjoy the rest of day:)

Today I want to dive into the world of economics. 
In this past few months, I affiliated with some of finance folks and 
was able to learn a very basic, yet very very interesting topic, about economics. 
I admit that my division of knowledge is limited, and therefore I may overly generalize some of key 
things. But I try. Yes, I try. 

For those who have graduated from college or same degree of academic institutions (of maybe less)
must have heard of Keynes. A great economist who had helped the government to restructure 
the great depression in 1920s. However, unless you are really really smart, or unless you are from the department of economics, I suppose only few know exactly what the idea of his was. 
Of course, some of you may be familiar with beauty contest, new deal, or "general theory~". 
But it is hard to know what the Keynes thoughts were only by themselves. 
And here is the counter part, Neoclassical, comes in. 

Neoclassical economics is sometimes argued "laissez faire" economics, since 
it is based on the perfect rationality of market. That means the price of product is at any time, 
at any give circumstances, is just right because the market is complete. 
Market is complete when demand and supply are even out. In addition, neoclassical economics
is based on the Say's law which is often summarized as "supply would create demand" as long as the price has variations. However, Say's law does not include "time constraints" and accepts the long turn

Keynes argued that this is not all right. First, he stated "in the long run, we are all dead" as to oppose
Say's law. It is to say, "the long run equilibrium" is like waiting for something that is going to happen,
but now sure when and how long it takes. That is not very cool for folks that deal with money.
Secondly, Keynes exclaims that the market is not perfect. He explained this by underemployment
equilibrium (not going to details here). Thus laissez faire policy does not work here, according to
the theory.

ok, I will stop embarrassing myself for talking about something I am not fully aware.
But will continue to study and will post it up later!

Friday, February 25, 2011

This Time is Different

As a beginner of finance, I am challenged and delightfully thrilled to turn the pages over. This book has the magic like a masterpiece of any literature in kind, that when you read every part of it, you see that each connects to the main message, everything can be "regression"-able to one statement - that is, as stated in the title. 

It is an astonishing piece. I will say that aloud over and over.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in financial assets, 
investment, economic history, financial policy,,,the coverage of this book is 
so sound  and provides rich contents in every possible way.

But what particularly, amazing about this book, is that, it CONTAINS LOT of DATA. Believe me, you will see a lot of charts and tables, which is FASCINATING for me, a practitioner of system dynamics.

I know I am not the right person to talk something about this book, but I cannot help but myself.
Come on, you will not regret it!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


  • なぜレーガノミクスなのか。

  1. 財政支出の大幅削減
  2. 減税
  3. 規制緩和
  4. マネーサプライのコントロール



  • イノベーションの誘発?




〇「経済再建プログラム」の評価は? フリードマン:連邦支出削滅の詳細かつ包括的計画を高く評価する。 サミュエルソン:福祉国家を求める流れに訣別する試みであり、1920年代の不平等の 復活でインフレ問題は解決できない。
財政の均衡化は可能か? フリードマン:提案されているのは税収のカットではなく、税率の引き下げであり、 これは税収の伸びを鈍化させるだけである。歳出はより低いペースの伸ひである。規 制緩和や安定的な通貨供給により経済が活発化し、財政にプラスに働く。 サミュエルソン:「税率は引き下げるが、歳出は削減しなくてよい」とは、ラッ ファーはインチキである。非国防関係支出の大幅カットにより、予算収支をバランス させても、次に景気後退をもたらすだけだ。
連邦支出の削減は公正か? フリードマン:貧しい人々の利益を考慮している。 サミュエルソン:とても公正とは言えない。
〇減税は公正か? フリードマン:減税効果は広く行き渡る。公正の判断は客観的なものでない。 サミュエルソン:中流階層底辺以下の人々にとって公正でない。


  • ラッファー曲線

  • 簡単なまとめ




Sunday, November 21, 2010

Economical Growth?




「成長しない」という前提で話を進めないとならない、というちょっとひねくれたものでした。「経済成長」の定義にもよると思うのですが、単純にGDPが年々右肩上がりで増加していくような成長は意味がない。なぜなら、日本は人口や面積などの面から考えても、既にかなり高いGDPを毎年創出しています。先日の発表で、日本が中国に抜かれ、世界第3位になりましたが、個人的な意見としては、世界第3位でもなんら問題は無いと思います。中国は日本の何倍の資源(人的、燃料など)を保持しているのでしょうか。個人的な意見では、中国に張り合って、GDP成長を目指すのではなく、GDP per Capitaを改善すべきなのではないか、という事をエッセイには書きました。


Introduction - Application of Systemic Thinking and Definition of Economic Growth -
When I first saw the theme of Because living standards are so high, Japan's economy no longer needs to grow”, I had a doubt whether Japan has an option to grow or not to. It seemed to me more natural to address a question “how can Japan keep the same living standards, where economic growth cannot be expected?”. Japan has already dropped down to 3rd place in economic size, and the population is gradually, but significantly, aging. 
In this essay, therefore, I will examine whether Japan’s economy will grow in next few decades. The essay proceeds in V-model fashion, which is a famous model of systems engineering. The essay will only cover left side of vee, which are planning and design phase.
Picture 1: Entity Vee
Context Analysis: Japan Current Outlook by Comparative Economy Analysis
Professor Ezra F. Vogel once wrote a book titled  “Japan as number one” in 1979, stating the factors of high economic growth that the country had enjoyed for over a decade. Vogel stressed that the key success factors of Japan’s growth was in people. Japanese were more studious and eager to read books and newspapers, which combined with its management style. The rest of world has praised Japan. And, it was back in 1970s. Now the situation is gradually changing. 
Today, Japan still holds the second biggest world economy in the world. With $4.9 Trillion worth of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2008*Figure 1, the country has been a well-to-do nation among others, considering the size of land property and population. As you can see in table 1, Japan’s GDP is higher in numbers by comparing the size (Germany) and population (Russia). This may indicate that Japan is a highly-productive country considering the its size of property and population. However, GDP per Capita is lower than Germany, which means that productivity per person is not so high.

Size km2
GDP Mill US$ *1
GDP per Capita US$ *2

Table 1. Comparison by size and population
Requirement Definition: “Japan as Number Three”
Considering the facts that 1). China is already bigger in economic size, and 2). Japanese population is increasingly aging, it is better to conclude that Japan should not compete with other nations by its size of economy. Being  number 2 or 3 should not be a high priority as a nation. Rather shall we be able to “optimize” what is within our economy and gain our productivity and efficiency. 
Concept Architecting: GDP per Capita based Economy
Many other nations have experienced this dilemma and some of them have been very successful turing the country more productive, and more “efficient”. 
By “more productive” and “more efficient”, they mean that the value of GDP per Capita may be improved. GDP per Capita means that GDP divided by population. Since it is divided by population, it does not concern a gap between the richest and poorest, which is another big issue, however, GDP per Capita indicates that how much of output is per each headcount. Thus, it does not mean that economic size should be big, but it is to increase how much each can make. 

Design Specification
Technology of Japan signifies that a company like Toyota, Sony, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, and so on. If you ever go abroad, the products and devices by these companies are seen everywhere. This is rare because other Japanese products, let me say, financial products, You will find less financial institutions doing better. However, with decreasing number of population, it is significant that financial institutions to be more powerful inside and outside of country. 
With resources (population) decreasing, the only way to keep the living standards to gain the productivity per each person. GDP per Capita is one measure that we can look for how much an individual contribute to national product. In order for Japan to sustain, the improvement in GDP per Capita shall be made. One of my recommendations is to strengthen financial institution (or non-manufacturing institution) of the nation since these institutions solely depends on productivity/efficiency of people; a portion that is reliable, yet large improvements are expected.
For my future studies, I would like to deepen my understanding on economics (I am from philosophy background), and would like to explore the works by Serge Latouche, a French economist who emphasizes the effectiveness of “de-growth” and its application to Japanese economy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


先週の土曜日、大学院にライフネット生命 出口治明社長がいらっしゃり、












Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Idea on Economics: De-Growth and the era of Post Dev.

I bumped into the book at a store titled "will it be possible to develop socially without economical growth?" in Japanese.
As I saw the title, I posed for second and gave it a thought.
"hmm, well, how a society can "develop" without economical expansion? A society is not a charity,
and everyone wants to make money at certain level (in fact, we NEED to). "

As for me, an inexpert to economics, it did not seem to work. It seemed to skip some of the fundamental
preconditions as well as the basic characteristics of human;
 People are greedy.
 People are lazy.
 People are stupid.
...well, not everything applies to all of people. But there are SOME of them always.
And Sometimes, SOME of them may really do something...

Serge Latouche, is an emeritus professor at the University of Paris-Sud.
His idea of economics talks of "de-growth". 

According to his theory, there is need to stop demanding for "growth" of economy and/or society
in current scheme, which resulted global tendency to pursuit "productivity" and "efficiency".

Since there is no end to the productivity and efficiency pursuit, and that pursuit will likely to result
the economical gap. As per the focus area of Latouche, south-north problem is a major issue.

Latouche introduces a 8R program in which to "de-grow". Here are bullets;
  1. Re-evaluate
  2. Re-conceptualize
  3. Re-structure
  4. Re-distribute
  5. Re-localize
  6. Re-duce
  7. Re-utilize
  8. Re-cycle
In short, Latouche's proposal is based on LOHAS (lifestyle of health and sustainability).
I could not see anything further than that. However, I am still pending on the judgment whether
it is a good idea or not. 

Here are some articles on line available;
Would the West actually be happier with less? The world downscaled
De-growth: an electoral stake?

Anyway, I got to learn some of basic tell whether this is good or bad ):
Gotta too much going on...

BTW... Manix. I was listening to this song while reading the book... I dont know why. Still a good song though.